You can't beat 'hands-on' knowledge

Whether you are scanning standard files, large maps, books or artwork, Informa not only have the right products but also have the experience to provide you with the best advice before making a decision.

It’s our 20+ years as a scanning bureau, working on practically any type of media, that makes us unique in terms of the advice we provide.

We don’t just look at the speed and throughput, we look at the type of documents you are processing and make those recommendations based on ‘hands-on’ experience.

With any scanning project only 20-40% of time is allocated to the actual scanning part. So when choosing a scanner take time to consider the other processes like preparation, indexing and publishing.


Network Scanners

  • Brother ADS-2600W A4 Desktop Wireless Scanner

    The high-speed automatic color document scanner can handle a variety of documents from paper to plastic cards, high-quality scanning at up to 1,200 dpi and 'one touch' technology for ease of use. € 575 ex VAT

  • Plustek eScan A150

    End users can just plug the network cable and turn it on to start. There is no need for IT staff setup and training. Just respond to the three easy intuitive steps on our large seven inch LCD screen and you are on your way.

  • Fujitsu fi-6010N

    Multi Language Network Communications Scanner, Duplex, 1,000 scans per day, 25ppm B&W, 25ppm colour, 10/100 BaseT connection, max 600dpi, ADF 50 sheets.