You can't beat 'hands-on' knowledge
Whether you are scanning standard files, large maps, books or artwork, Informa not only have the right products but also have the experience to provide you with the best advice before making a decision.
It’s our 20+ years as a scanning bureau, working on practically any type of media, that makes us unique in terms of the advice we provide.
We don’t just look at the speed and throughput, we look at the type of documents you are processing and make those recommendations based on ‘hands-on’ experience.
With any scanning project only 20-40% of time is allocated to the actual scanning part. So when choosing a scanner take time to consider the other processes like preparation, indexing and publishing.
Wide Format Scanners
- Contex IQ Quattro 4400
Scan A0/E-size color documents in just 3.5 seconds and get all the details you need.
- Contex SD3600 Series
The Contex SD3600 packs a huge amount of wide format value into its compact 36”, portable package. With its lightweight design, exceptional ease of use and very attractive price, it is a must-have scanner.
- Contex Quattro iQ2490
Large Format Flatbed Colour Scanner ; A2 ; up to 400dpi; 10.0"/sec 24-bit RGB Colour, 3.0"/sec 8 bit-Grayscale, 3.0"/sec BW (@ 400dpi turbo);
- Contex HD Ultra Series
Large Format Colour Scanner ; A0 Portrait & Landscape ; up to 600dpi ; 0.6"/sec 24-bit RGB Colour, 3.0"/sec 8-bit Index Colour, 12.0"/sec 8-bit Grayscale, 12.0"/sec BW (@ 400dpi turbo) ;
- WideTEK 36 DS Large Format Duplex Scanner including Batch Scan Wizard
Large Format Colour Duplex Scanner ; A0 ; up to 600dpi; 4.2"/sec @ 300dpi colour