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Transkribus Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR)

Unlock the written past today so you can preserve our oral history tomorrow. Informa will revolutionise access to your written historical treasures, enriching them for meaningful research and collaborative story sharing.

Our Expertise

Informa use the Intelligent Technology Transkribus which enables you to automatically recognise text easily, edit seamlessly, collaborate effortlessly, and even train your custom machine learning for digitising and interpreting historical documents of any form.

History can now be reborn, breathing new life into historical letters, minutes notes, ledgers, manuscripts, documents etc. Informa will revolutionise access to these historical documents, by enriching them with meta data for meaningful research and collaborative story sharing.

Additional benefits include:

  • Viability: the machine learning model is more cost effective making large projects realistic and accessible.
  • Efficiency: the machine learning model can automate volumes of documents with the click of a button once trained.
  • Accuracy: the machine learning model can be trained to recognise all handwriting styles quickly, with high levels of accuracy, centralising this skill set for future projects.
  • Expertise: 30 years of working with libraries, museums, archivists, and heritage agencies, project managing the past well into the future.

We’re thrilled with how Informa has used Transkribus on our Poor Law Union minute books. For the first time, we have transcribed searchable handwritten text using AI-powered software.

This is a game-changer in the archives world and has opened up exciting new possibilities for our collection users.

Wicklow County Archives
Catherine Wright – Archivist

End-to-End Managed Service

Archival eSearch



Project Management

Search your Archive Documents

Share your collections online, using Informa’s digital Library solutions. It is as easy as importing your media and metadata. Unlike modern documents, archival system users are often looking for a different, more intimate experience when they search for information. Given that archival collections can vary greatly from 2D artefacts (photos, maps, books, diaries, letters, documents, art, sketches etc.), to 3D artefacts (coins, clothes, fossils, writing tablets, wallpapers etc.), system users want a superior framework that can showcase these digital items to their former glory. Informa can advise you on how to provide your clients with a user-friendly interface that can guide and customize their search to bring them to the Holy Grail.

With our Archival eSearch:

-Users can easily browse and search content in your digital library with a powerful search engine to help refine their search using timelines, locations, iconography etc. -Users will enjoy the same high-end experience regardless of the device being used i.e., mobile, pad, desktop, laptop. -You will increase public traffic on your digital library and hence strengthen the value of your collections, by providing an enriched discovery user experience. -You can breathe new life into your physical artefacts by showcasing them as a collection of superior images which are second to none.

Capture Everything

Information has never been more accessible in this fast-paced digital evolution. What was once kept in a glass case, hidden from generations, can now be show-cased globally as perfect reproductions. Advanced technology has revolutionised the capturing, enhancing, and sharing potential of 3D historical artefacts, while safeguarding its fragility and increasing its value. Informa recognises the legacy that many custodians have inherited and the national importance of preserving and futureproofing these treasures. With high-end technology, unparalleled personalised customer experiences and almost 30 years expertise, Informa will project manage you gently through the digital process from in-house collection to on-line collaboration.

Fadgi Scanning/ Quartz scanner

Revolutionary 3D technology has taken one giant step towards capturing and preserving precious historical treasures. Its 3D innovation, with LED lighting, scans surfaces that are fragile, blistered, glossy, embossed or simply 3D, enhancing quality and reducing imperfections, while preserving its fragility. Introducing the SupraScan Quartz scanner, a scanning solution designed for archives, libraries, museums, fine art reproduction and décor industries, which is compliant with ISO 19264-1/A, Metamorfoze Full and FADGI 4 standards. At last precious artefacts can be captured, enhanced, and shared as perfect reproductions.

Strong Leadership

Customer service is the flagship of our company. With over 30 years expertise, unparalleled personalised customer experiences, and European accreditation for quality and security, we have the credentials to change your project objectives into project deliverables. We pride ourselves on our communication skills, across multiple stakeholders, to identify project strengths and challenges early, so we can provide smart solutions, whether constrained by scale, budget, time or resources. Your personal dedicated project manager will take you by the hand each step of the way, and through an agreed collaborative process, will allow you to leverage your resources and ours to project completion. With a cache of technological tools, information management experts, and ‘finger on the pulse’ solutions, we are your go-to for quality, security and assurance.

Q & A

In advance of taking on your digitising project why not take a look at our FAQs. We have answered some of the questions people might typically have in advance of a project. Planning, thinking, and talking is always a good thing.

30 Years experience across
all sectors.

Time does count for something and at Informa we take pride in the fact that we have supported many clients for decades.

We have lasted the test of time by working hard, continuously learning and being true to ourselves.

Regardless of your Industry, Informa have the knowledge to be part of your team. Find out what we can do for you specific to your industry.

Competence text, written on wooden lettering, business term

Why Choose Informa?

Our Team

By adding Informa to your team, you’re gaining a dedicated partner who brings valuable knowledge, practical solutions, and a strong focus on reducing risk, all with your success at the heart of everything we do.


Informa have been maintaining high standards across all operational systems since 2011. This is reflected in our annual gold standard integrated ISO 27001:2013 process along with our ISO 9001 standard, for our sale, supply and after sales support for our products, services, and solutions.


Beyond our certifications and rigorous security standards for both physical and digital assets, Informa’s proprietary DIMMS (Document Information Management and Monitoring System) platform ensures the highest level of protection. It meticulously tracks every document through each stage of the process, providing our clients with unmatched transparency, comfort, and peace of mind.

We Use Our Own Bureau

We don’t outsource anything at Informa. Our fully equipped digitizing bureau handles all media types in-house, from files and bound books to maps, drawings, artwork, artifacts, microfilm, and microfiche. With our comprehensive range of equipment, we ensure the highest quality digitization for any type of material.

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