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Jackie O’Reilly

Jackie O’Reilly

Jackie O’Reilly

Bureau Services Manager

Jackie is part of the Informa team since 2004, starting out as a scanning operator. Over the years Jackie has garnered a wealth of knowledge and experience overseeing complex time sensitive projects, resulting in high quality results. This ambition accelerated her job description to Bureau Manager and extended her responsibilities to managing and training personnel as well as supervising project quality and deadlines. Jackie is a critical cog in the wheel of exemplary deliverables. Jackie’s forte is her dependability, which is borne out by her promotional career with Informa.

On the outside Jackie is a fitness and fashion guru, embracing all that is nourishingly healthy. She has mastered the art of laughter, with a hint of mischief, to feed her soul. She is a fully qualified makeup artist, hence her attention to detail on the job.

On the inside, Jackie is a giver. Her epitaph will read….

” A Day without Laughter is a Day Wasted!”

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