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Our Expertise

Across all sectors, an organisations ability to capture, organise, manage and utilise their information is critical. We pride ourselves on the impact our knowledge and expertise in information management has given our clients.

Our Evolution


Our digital journey begins

Ace Draughting Limited was borne out of a growing niche in the construction and engineering industry, where paper-based drawings were being converted into AutoCAD formatting. This process required the scanning of the original hard copy and so our digital journey began.


First scanning bureau in Ireland

In light of the ongoing digital trend across all business sectors, Digiscan was established to broaden the scope and range of products and services on offer. Given the infancy of the company, Digiscan made the bold move of becoming the first sole paper capture scanning bureau in Ireland.

1995 Fujitsu M4099D


Information management solutions

Digitisation was now a world phenomenon, but businesses were looking for a comprehensive information management solution to make good on this digital data. So, we partnered with Zylab, who had engineered one of the first global digitalisation software products, offering free text search and hit highlighting on scanned documents at the click of a button. 


Cloud based solutions

Digitalisation was expanding globally, with 94% of the worlds data now digitally stored. This implied that macro and micro sized businesses needed information management solutions. Digiscan responded to this shift, offering cloud-based search and retrieval systems that no longer needed customer software investment, making it more affordable and accessible to all businesses.


Early Case Assessment and eDiscovery solutions

Litigation and compliance support was gaining momentum as a highly specialised niche in the digitalisation market. In tandem with Zylab, Digiscan yet again remoulded its offerings and expertise, to provide Early Case Assessment and eDiscovery solutions for legal review, to law firms and private companies.


Rebranded to Informa

Digiscan was now providing multiple information management solutions for multiple industries, but its brand name did not reflect this. Digiscan was therefore rebranded to Informa to increase online visibility and increase market potential.


Extended operational hours

In response to the ongoing demands and rapid turn-around expectations of litigation support, Informa decided to extend operational hours to 16 hours daily Monday to Friday. The new nightshift staff were assigned litigation projects that were voluminous and time sensitive.

Late Opening sign


Disclosure Management Solutions

By 2018, public sector government departments and local authorities accounted for over 40% of Informa’s business. With a diverse range of statutory and legal disclosure obligations, Informa’s disclosure management solutions had to be time-efficient, cost-effective, and user-friendly. Informa had now become a leader in regulatory access requests for large scale projects both public and private.


G-Cloud Framework

Informa were accepted onto the G-Cloud Framework UK, a government digital marketplace, providing a secure platform from which the public sector can locate technology and/or companies for digital projects. This offers Informa increased visibility, credibility, and accessibility in this new market.


Investing in Technology

Revolutionary 3D technology has taken one giant step towards capturing and preserving precious historical treasures. Its 3D innovation, with LED lighting, scans surfaces that are fragile, blistered, glossy, embossed or simply 3D, enhancing quality and reducing imperfections, while preserving its fragility

Why choose us

The Team
Our Bureau

By adding Informa to your team, you’re gaining a dedicated partner who brings valuable knowledge, practical solutions, and a strong focus on reducing risk, all with your success at the heart of everything we do.

Informa have been maintaining high standards across all operational systems since 2011. This is reflected in our annual gold standard integrated ISO 27001:2013 process along with our ISO 9001 standard, for our sale, supply and after sales support for our products, services, and solutions.

Beyond our certifications and rigorous security standards for both physical and digital assets, Informa’s proprietary DIMMS (Document Information Management and Monitoring System) platform ensures the highest level of protection. It meticulously tracks every document through each stage of the process, providing our clients with unmatched transparency, comfort, and peace of mind.

We don’t outsource anything at Informa. Our fully equipped digitizing bureau handles all media types in-house, from files and bound books to maps, drawings, artwork, artifacts, microfilm, and microfiche. With our comprehensive range of equipment, we ensure the highest quality digitization for any type of material.

After 30 years of doing things the right way for our clients, we’re not stopping anytime soon!

Our Partners

Reveal Data



Reveal Data is a global leader in supporting investigations, litigation, including eDiscovery and Disclosure Management (FOI & SAR). With a suite of products designed to process, disseminate, filter, and review large volumes of data, Informa has found the ideal technology partner that aligns with our own high standards.
Reveal Data screenshot
ZyLAB, leading eDiscovery and information uses smart and innovative technology to deal with increasing complexity and volumes of information requests by helping you to keep your processes, workload and budgets manageable using smart fact finding technology.
ZyLAB One screenshot
Informa has partnered with Transkribus to enable users to automatically recognise handwritten content using custom AI machine learning, making it easier to digitise and interpret historical documents in any form.History can now be revived, bringing new life to historical letters, minutes, notes, ledgers, manuscripts, and more. Informa is set to revolutionise access to these valuable documents by enriching them with metadata, creating meaningful opportunities for research and collaborative storytelling.
Text being ocr'ed

Our Team

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