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Informa invest in the i2S Quartz FADGI Scanner

Calling all museums, libraries, heritage bodies, land registries and archivists, this is your Preservation Solution Expert speaking!

If you are looking for the ideal solution to preserve valuable cultural assets and make them digitally accessible, with high-end definition results, without breaking the bank, then talk to us.

Meet the newest member of our Team, the i2S Quartz A1 Book-scanner, “The Future of the Past”. This scanner is outperforming many scanners in its field and is considered the blue-chip of affordability in the digital preservation world. Informa recognise how valuable and precious historical assets can be, and the care needed to preserve their natural state. We also recognise the demand for digital image quality across a wide range of large format documents, with multiple function options. So we decided to invest in YOU!

The i2S Quartz A1 Book-scanner knows exactly what our clients are looking for. With its 3D scan technology, allowing for book curve correction and automatic document detection, and its low-level light illumination and field-proven book cradles for gentle digitising to protect valuable documents, it’s no wonder it’s our latest success story. The scanner is designed for medium to large digitising projects that require high image quality, up to 600ppi, with an intuitive operating system to cater for all large document formats. This high precision scanner is the ideal future-proof solution for those valuable assets at affordable prices.

Another investment is our multiple Opex Falcon Plus scanners, which are an investment in efficiency, speed, and accuracy for our staff. The scanner has a built-in feeding conveyor belt which scans, configurates and sorts documents from multiple storage types at source, in mere seconds. Documents are handled only once, significantly reducing labour costs while increasing document security. Its built-in automated intelligence makes handling operations more ergonomically functional and user-friendly for everyone.

The i2S Quartz A1 Book-scanner and the Opex Falcon+ scanner have made significant inroads in the quality, efficiency and affordability of the services we provide, so why not invest in US?

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