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FOI SAR & EIR Management

Eliminate backlogs and shorten your timelines with Informa. Our managed service and platform is end-to-end, it doesn’t matter if its paper, digital or a combination of both we have the technology and services to it all.

Our Expertise

Organisations have a diverse range of statutory and legal disclosure obligations. Whether this involves litigation, such as employment related claims, requests under statutory access rights or third-party disclosure requests, the costs can be significant and often invisible to the wider organisation. Requests such as FOI’s and SAR’s, are further bound by time sensitivities which can often become the tightening noose. Informa, as leading experts in this field, have explored the common challenges that organisations face during the disclosure life cycle, from commencing the information search to the exemption decision-making stage and the implementation of redactions.

Our expertise, in partnership with Reveal Data, is our one-system disclosure management solution. This solution benefits from machine learning technology, which will not only ease the burden on practitioners by eliminating tedious manual tasks, but will radically transform disclosure practice, delivering consistent, reliable, auditable decision-making as well as significant savings in time, effort, and cost.

With Informa’s Managed Disclosure Services we have eliminated our backlog and no longer have to seek extensions. My staff and now able to spend more time focusing on their core tasks and we have a tight review management system that handles redacting and scheduling with exemptions as you work. 

Dr. Teresa O’Callaghan, PhD, MsE, RGN
Operational Services Manager - Cavan General Hospital

Our Technologies

  • 1. Data Identification and Collection.
    On receipt of your discovery order or information request. Applying early data assessment techniques allows a team to scope the scale and impact of the request. In response a team can be deployed to the project and an estimated timeline agreed for completion with budgeting

Our Technologies

  • 1. Data Identification and Collection.
    On receipt of your discovery order or information request. Applying early data assessment techniques allows a team to scope the scale and impact of the request. In response a team can be deployed to the project and an estimated timeline agreed for completion with budgeting


Redaction Management

Investigations and AI


Save time and effort

The cliché ‘Time is Money’, has never been more relevant than in the business world today. Information is in demand on scale, causing gridlocks in the workplace, using processes that are fraught with security risks. Organisations are overwhelmed with balancing and prioritising resources to meet this demand on time and within budget. They are also under more scrutiny than ever before, so mitigating against inevitable human data-handling-errors is a must.

Accelerate your data analysis process

Carrying out investigations with AI capabilities empower users to swiftly navigate through the noise and concentrate on what matters most. Reveal’s AI models, employ custom AI models tailored to your specific needs combined with advanced supervised learning techniques you get to where you need to be quickly. These tools allow you to go beyond mere text, uncovering the emotional subtleties within the content. Additionally, with features like AI-Driven Batches, you can accelerate your data analysis process, making your workflow more efficient and insightful.

Eliminate or reduce extension requests

Informa, in partnership with Reveal Data, offer organisations intuitive AI technological solutions that can now outsmart these developments and streamline your data into bite size chunks, reducing risks and increasing productivity. With almost 30 years expertise and unparalleled personalised customer experiences, Informa will leverage your organisation’s key resources, to ensure that you manage your eDiscovery workflow from collection to production, on time and within budget.

Our Capabilities

Working closely with our clients Informa manage the process of creating an end-to-end solution where search is extensive (connected sources) and consistent (structured search) with audit so the effort is the same and the reliance on others is reduced.  With instant access to numbers/counts scope can be negotiated with the requester or at minimum you know the extent of the issue should an extension of time be required.

30 Years experience across
all sectors.

Time does count for something and at Informa we take pride in the fact that we have supported many clients for decades.

We have lasted the test of time by working hard, continuously learning and being true to ourselves.

Regardless of your Industry, Informa have the knowledge to be part of your team. Find out what we can do for you specific to your industry.

Competence text, written on wooden lettering, business term

Why Choose Informa?

Our Team

By adding Informa to your team, you’re gaining a dedicated partner who brings valuable knowledge, practical solutions, and a strong focus on reducing risk, all with your success at the heart of everything we do.


Informa have been maintaining high standards across all operational systems since 2011. This is reflected in our annual gold standard integrated ISO 27001:2013 process along with our ISO 9001 standard, for our sale, supply and after sales support for our products, services, and solutions.


Beyond our certifications and rigorous security standards for both physical and digital assets, Informa’s proprietary DIMMS (Document Information Management and Monitoring System) platform ensures the highest level of protection. It meticulously tracks every document through each stage of the process, providing our clients with unmatched transparency, comfort, and peace of mind.

We Use Our Own Bureau

We don’t outsource anything at Informa. Our fully equipped digitizing bureau handles all media types in-house, from files and bound books to maps, drawings, artwork, artifacts, microfilm, and microfiche. With our comprehensive range of equipment, we ensure the highest quality digitization for any type of material.

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